
Release date

September 13, 2023



# EarthQuest - Changelog v12-13

Greetings, fellow explorers!

I, Bowie (also known as Electrum), am thrilled to present a monumental update that embodies 13 days and nights of relentless dedication and hard work. EarthQuest's version 12 and version 13 is more than just an update; it's a testament to what unwavering determination can achieve.

### Clearing the Path
- This update is so substantial that I had to remove previous changelogs from the main page to make space for the sheer magnitude of changes.

### Street View Integration
I'm thrilled to also introduce the integration of Google Street View into EarthQuest, taking your exploration to a whole new level.

### Single Player Mode
- I've implemented a Single Player mode to provide a quality-focused solo experience.
- It's optimized for smoother gameplay and features a refreshed user interface (UI).

### Hub for Play Modes

- The new UI now includes a hub where you can seamlessly switch between Play Modes, whether you want to explore solo or join others in multiplayer adventures.

### Room Management

- Players can now easily create or join rooms with room codes.
- Clear error messages guide you when there's no internet, servers are down, or no room code is provided.

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